Dear Algo Rithim,

I know you like me. I liked you at first too. It was all fun and easy, the way you surprised me with your suggestions. I thought you knew me, cared about my desires, though it gave me the creeps when I thought about how you knew me. Were you listening in on my phone conversations?

Reading my emails and texts? Were you keeping tabs on the shows I streamed, or the items I purchased online? You were so charming and willing to please. I tried to ignore the stalking.

But things changed. I changed. Though not into conspiracy theories, I became suspicious. Why were you presenting me with this particular item or brand? What was in it for you, Algo? It felt like you were trying to manipulate me, to narrow my choices because you thought you knew what was best for me and had something to gain by my acquiescence.

When I didn’t respond, your suggestions became insulting and unpredictable. Why do I want a penis enhancer? Or a walk-in bathtub? Or my own personal bobblehead of a politician whose face I’ll do anything to avoid looking at.

There was no reason to get nasty. I thought you understood this was not to be a long term relationship, that I’m fickle and critical. That I search for things for friends and family and am sometimes just curious, but not wanting. And I do a lot of research as a writer.

I guess what I’m trying to say, Algo, is that our relationship has run its course. So let’s make the breakup official and for the most part amicable. I know you’ll always be there for me, but I’m not going to answer your calls, or open the door when you knock. I want to be left in peace. I want to explore on my own, in my own time.

Shhh, shhh, Algo, it’s okay. There are plenty of others out there who need and appreciate you.

Good luck,


Recommendation: Tomorrow, Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, a novel by Gabrielle Zevin. It’s about friendship, creativity, and love. I laughed and cried and gnashed my teeth. I couldn’t put it down and wish it never ended. I think about the characters often and wish I knew where they are today. It’s become one of my top ten favorite books of all times.