Dear Fellow Amtrak Passengers in the first car heading from Penn Station to Albany on a rainy Sunday afternoon in January,

I’m sorry this has taken so long. I don’t even know your names. But I’ve been wanting to thank you for making wonderful what could have been a crappy end to a sad weekend. You probably don’t remember the day. But for me, it saved my sanity.

It started smoothly enough. But when the train reached its first stop in Yonkers, it sat. And sat. After some time the crew walked up the aisle handing out free water and snacks, and I knew we’d be there for a while.

They told us the tracks ahead were flooded, that we’d have to wait for the tide to change. I thought they were kidding, but the guy two seats back popped his head up. He worked as a building engineer in NYC and had been up all night assessing water damage to various properties. He checked something on his phone and said that it would be at least three hours for the tide to recede, then got off in a Brooklyn bluster and returned a little later with a pint of Jack Daniels and some beers. He offered some to the two women in the seat in front of him. They declined, but one decided to head out into the wilds of Yonkers for some Prosecco.

A little while later she returned with two bottles and a bag of Oreos. She was nervous about uncorking the Prosecco, so I did it, and the four of us passed the time, drinking, laughing, and telling stories.

At the time, things in my life were difficult. You three have no idea how much you helped me. Your generosity of spirit and great sense of humor passed the time quickly. And even though I was old enough to be your mother, you never made me feel like an unnecessary appendage at your impromptu party. It was the best spontaneous fun I’d had in ages. Seriously. I felt free of my troubles for the first time in a VERY long time.

I wish you all good things in life! Love and happiness. And I hope that somehow you see this.

Your fellow traveler,


Pic of the Post: KLEO,  streaming on Netflix. It’s a strange spy-thriller in German and Russian with subtitles, that takes place after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Kleo is an East German Stasi agent who is looking for the who and why of her betrayal. The episodes open with the words, “This show is based on a true story, but none the events took place in real life,” and runs from there. Plenty of twists, dark humor, and some very unusual characters follow. I hope you enjoy!